To Realize God By studying a variety of theories, we are confused. Let us look at the emotions that are within us and perceive the existence of God within us. Without this regular practice Wherever we go, there is no benefit. What is arrogance? I am doing everything I am so furious that it will happen. - This is arrogance. God has made us a tool to do something in the world. - This is the way of realizing God.
Tune your attitude always To your parents : Be as Servant When you are being with your parents, align your attitude as a servant. Hear and accept their speech and actions even if you have different opinions. Politely share your opinions with their permissions. What you give now and will come to you later.. Sure. So take care and advise your mind and set your mind. I don't think it is easier one, but the good things will not come in easier manner. To your spouse : Be as Collaborator To your kids : Be as Preceptor To your employment : Be as Earner To your social : Be as Helper To your inside : Be as Investigator The Earth Said : O Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord! How can unflinching devotion arise in him who is immersed in his Prarabdha Karmas (worldly life), O Lord? Lord Krishna replied: Though engaged in the performance of worldly duties, one who is regular in the study of the Gita becom...